real-estate Real Estate Agents
retired-prof Retired Professionals
teachers Teachers
loan-agents Loan Agents
social-workers Social Workers
ex-service-men Ex Service Men
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lic-agents LIC Agents
bank-employees Bank Employees

Everyone is looking for an opportunity to do some good and meaningful for others. Well, here is your opportunity. Swarna Griha is offering you a chance to add value to the lives of people who are financially strapped. Keeping the economically weaker sections (EWS) and Lower Income Group (LIG) populace in view, Swarna Griha has come up with a housing project that takes into account their desire to own a beautiful house that they can call their own home.

The venture not only allows you to provide housing options to EWS/LIG of society but also rewards you for your kind intentions and efforts to help people. You can earn upto Rs. 5 lakh by simply enabling underprivileged house seekers to find a roof over their head.

Come forward and help people owning their dream home.

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